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Emails that would normally be sent right after I have created a consultation note, delay them till the evening. This setting may be useful in the following scenario: Each time I create a new note, the other members of the team get interrupted by my email. This happens many times a day. I don't want these interruptions, but the team members need to get my email eventually. Tick this setting, and I am done.
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Notifications about changes in the Bible made by anyone will be generated for me online. They will be marked with a 📖 icon.
Notifications about changes in the Bible made by me will be generated for me online. They will be marked with a 😊 icon.
Notifications about changes in the Bible made by the individual contributors will be generated for me online. These notifications will be marked by the team member's name.
Receive daily mail with the number of online change notifications awaiting my attention.
Get notifications of changes made by anyone in these Bibles: | KIA | Sample
Receive daily mail with results of checks on the text of the Bibles.
Receive weekly mail about the team's progress during the course of the sprint.