
General font size for the interface: %. Please enter a font size between 50 and 300 percent Size throughout the interface.

Relative font size for the menu: %. Please enter a font size between 50 and 300 percent The size of the font for the menu, relative to the general font size.

Relative font size for the Bible editors: %. Please enter a font size between 50 and 300 percent The size of the font for the Bible editors, relative to the general font size.

Relative font size for the resources: %. Please enter a font size between 50 and 300 percent The size of the font for the resources, relative to the general font size.

Relative font size for Hebrew resources: %. Please enter a font size between 50 and 300 percent The size of Hebrew text within resources, relative to the resources font size.

Relative font size for Greek resources: %. Please enter a font size between 50 and 300 percent The size of Greek text within resources, relative to the resources font size.

Initial vertical position of the editing cursor in the Bible editors: . Please enter a caret position between 20 and 80 percent

Show breadcrumbs.

Workspace menu fade-out delay: seconds. Please enter a value between 1 and 100 seconds, or 0 to disable How long it takes for the workspace menu to start fading out.

While editing the Bible text and saving it, Bibledit looks at how much the text of the chapter or verse to be saved differs from the existing chapter or verse text. If the text to be saved differs more than a certain percentage from the existing text, Bibledit will not save it. This safety mechanism prevents accidental loss of Bible data in many cases. The permitted difference can be set below as a percentage.

Maximum difference for:



Keep main menu always visible. This works in both basic and advanced mode.

Show a link in the Bible editor to select another Bible editor.

Available Bible editors in the Bible editor selector: [...]

Enable the Styles button in the visual Bible editors.

Controls for selecting and dismissing change notifications at the top. This applies to the page with the change notifications. Normally the controls are at the bottom of the page.

Quickly edit consultation note contents. This adds a control for editing the note contents right below the note contents. This is an extra control in addition to the normal one.

The list of consultation notes shows the Bible the note refers to.

The consultation notes show the note status.

Show the current verse text while creating a new consultation note.