Install Bibledit Cloud on Debian and Ubuntu

Follow the steps below to install Bibledit. It needs basic knowledge about working with Linux servers.

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Update the software sources:

    sudo apt update

  3. Install the software Bibledit relies on:

    sudo apt install build-essential autotools-dev autoconf autoconf-archive git zip pkgconf libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev poppler-utils libsword-utils diatheke ldap-utils libmimetic-dev certbot libxml2-dev libutf8proc-dev libgumbo-dev libtidy-dev libpugixml-dev

  4. Download a recent version of Bibledit from

  5. Unpack the downloaded Bibledit in folder bibledit:

    mkdir -p bibledit

    tar xf bibledit-5.0.9xx.tar.gz -C bibledit --strip-components=1

    Change the 9xx above to the version number of Bibledit that was downloaded.

  6. Change to the directory:

    cd bibledit

  7. Build Bibledit:



    This takes a while. There will be many technical messages, but there should be no errors.

  8. Start Bibledit:

    ./bibledit &

  9. Bibledit will be accessible through the IP address port 8080. Examples:


  10. Open the web address in the browser, follow the instructions on the screen to configure Bibledit Cloud, and log in.