Follow the steps below to install Bibledit Cloud on CentOS 9. It needs basic knowledge about working with CentOS Server.
Update the software sources:
sudo dnf update
Install and enable extra package repositories:
sudo dnf install epel-release
Install the software Bibledit relies on:
sudo dnf install autoconf automake gcc gcc-c++ libtool git zip unzip pkgconfig libcurl-devel openssl-devel curl make poppler-utils libxml2-devel utf8proc gumbo-parser-devel libtidy-devel pugixml-devel
Go to the home directory:
Download a recent version of Bibledit from
Unpack the downloaded Bibledit in folder bibledit:
mkdir -p bibledit
tar xf bibledit-5.0.9xx.tar.gz -C bibledit --strip-components=1
Change to the directory:
cd bibledit
Build Bibledit:
This takes a while. There will be many technical messages, but there should be no errors.
Open port 8080 in the firewall:
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
Start Bibledit:
./bibledit &
Bibledit will be accessible through the IP address port 8080. Examples:
Most of Bibledit Cloud will now be working. To get email services working, connect Bibledit to a gmail or other mail account. To get SWORD resources working, install the SWORD libraries.