Install Bibledit Cloud on CentOS

Follow the steps below to install Bibledit Cloud on CentOS 9. It needs basic knowledge about working with CentOS Server.

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Update the software sources:

    sudo dnf update

  3. Install and enable extra package repositories:

    sudo dnf install epel-release

  4. Install the software Bibledit relies on:

    sudo dnf install autoconf automake gcc gcc-c++ libtool git zip unzip pkgconfig libcurl-devel openssl-devel curl make poppler-utils libxml2-devel utf8proc gumbo-parser-devel libtidy-devel pugixml-devel

  5. Go to the home directory:


  6. Download a recent version of Bibledit from

  7. Unpack the downloaded Bibledit in folder bibledit:

    mkdir -p bibledit

    tar xf bibledit-5.0.9xx.tar.gz -C bibledit --strip-components=1

  8. Change to the directory:

    cd bibledit

  9. Build Bibledit:



    This takes a while. There will be many technical messages, but there should be no errors.

  10. Open port 8080 in the firewall:

    sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent

    sudo firewall-cmd --reload

  11. Start Bibledit:

    ./bibledit &

  12. Bibledit will be accessible through the IP address port 8080. Examples:


  13. Open the web address in the browser, follow the instructions on the screen to configure Bibledit Cloud, and log in.

Most of Bibledit Cloud will now be working. To get email services working, connect Bibledit to a gmail or other mail account. To get SWORD resources working, install the SWORD libraries.