Manage Checks

Bible: KIA. It will be checked every night. Check it now.

Enable the desired checks:

double spaces in the raw USFM

punctuation at the end of a heading

a space before a comma, semicolon, colon, full stop, question mark, or exclamation mark

a space before a final note or cross reference marker

sentence structure

paragraph starts with a capital and ends with a correct end marker

correct number of books according to the versification system

correct number of chapters and verses in existing books, according to the versification system

well-formed USFM

missing punctuation at the end of a verse

patterns in the text [settings]

matching pairs [settings]

space at the end of a verse

no-break space at French punctuation

multiple « in French citation style

transpose and fix double spaces in footnotes and cross references

valid UTF-8 Unicode text

Settings for the sentence structure

The results of these checks will be viewable under Tools / Checks. The results will also be emailed to all users who have enabled this notification.